Supporting Those That Need It the Most

When we first started offering Much Love stickers it was mainly for family members grieving after Zach's suicide. His friend Kayla found a piece of his writing with the signature Much Love. She had her friend create several stickers to hand out and help pay for his friends private memorial service. Then something amazing happened. Friends of friends started asking what they were and the message spread. Pretty soon we were selling so many you could drive around town and pass at least one car that had the sticker on it. ( My friends send me pictures of cars they see with much love stickers all of the time)

His signature was created and led to the foundation being born. This site is not only here to sell stickers, koozies, and donate proceeds to suicide prevention, but also to raise awareness about depression, suicide, and what you can do when you have a loved one suffering. The answer doesn't always seem obvious, but we're here to help.

We're still in the works of deciding which direction our foundation will take, however what we do know, we want to help people overcome the stigma associated with Suicide. Let’s spread the word with Much Love, it opens up the conversation.

Reach out to us and tell us your experiences and stories via our Contact page.

Thanks for all the support!

Much Love.

Leigh PingrinComment